Health & Safety

Our General Policy Statement

At Wealdens, we recognise that we have a duty to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that the people who work for us are able to do their work without risk of injury or illness to themselves or to other people.

This policy sets out the arrangements we have made to make sure this happens.

The policy has been written with the help of a professional health and safety consultancy so that we can be sure we have taken into account all of the most up-to-date legal requirements - including:

  • The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974,
  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and
  • all other relevant regulations

Keeping Up To Date

At Wealdens, we realise how important it is that this policy is kept up-to-date. We make sure that whenever new regulations come into effect, or whenever we change the way we work, the policy is reviewed each annually and when legislation changes, all employees told about the changes.

The company has two main areas of operation: Grounds Maintenance and Building Services. As a company we have developed staff manuals for each of these areas containing generic risk assessments, guidance, safe working practices and checklists. The manuals are amended and added to as necessary after proper consultation with the staff.

New Legislation

We do as much as is reasonably practicable to make sure that all our arrangements for health and safety are adequate and working well. To this end, we have joined the Complete Health & Safety Advice line in order to ensure that we are kept up to date with all new legislation and the training opportunities offered through the service.

Maintaining High Standards

Vital to the success of this policy is ensuring that everyone in the company plays their part in maintaining a high standard of health and safety at all times. This includes taking care of themselves and others, following the agreed working procedures and reporting any hazards as soon as possible.

By working together, we keep our safety standards high and give confidence to our customers both now and in the future.

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